Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Live Profile

Aplikasi Chatting yang sama seperti BBM, yang dapat di gunakan untuk Android, iPhone, dan BlackBerry. Sehingga bagi pengguna masing-masing gadget dapat melakukan chatting, seperti BBM bagi sesama pengguna BlackBerry. Aplikasi ini juga terhubung dengan Facebook dan Twitter, sehingga dapat melakukan invite Friend di Facebook dan Twitter. Selanjutnya simak uraian di bawah ini, lalu download aplikasi ini. Selamat mencoba!!.

Introducing LiveProfile, the blazing fast, 100% free, and easy to use smartphone messenger for Android, iPhone, and BlackBerry.

Delivery Receipts

LiveProfile offers a cheaper, faster and more reliable alternative to text messaging allowing users to communicate with lightning-fast message delivery and confidence, indicating when messages are delivered, read, and even when the recipient is typing a response, making it feel closer to a live conversation. And, where text messaging charges can quickly rack up, LiveProfile is free—even for international use—making it easier on the wallet, too.

Stay Connected

Like the name suggests LiveProfile is more than just a messenger. It's a mobile social network which allows you to share status updates, upload profile photos, set your display name and profile details, integrate with Twitter and Facebook, and much more. It's available anywhere you go and at anytime. LiveProfile puts real-time communication in the palm of your hands.

Feature Packed

LiveProfile includes these great features:

Beautiful and easy to use interface
Address book friend scan and invite
Photo and Video sharing
Push notifications (no battery usage)
Unique PINs
Support for all major smart phones
And more!

Download OTA (On The Air)

Live Profile. Free messenger for BB, iphone & android. Get it free from

Don't forget to add me. My Live Profile Pin : LP5XCMKK

Silahkan download melalui Gadget Android, iPhone, dan BlackBerry anda. Jangan lupa untuk menambah teman, share Pin Live Profile anda pada komentar di posting ini, terima kasih. 

