Thursday, 4 March 2010

Yogyakarta Tourism


Yogyakarta is an old city that keeps a lot of hidden charm in it. The city come into existence in 1755 when the Yogyakarta Sultanate established (exactly the city of Yogyakarta build on 7th on October 1756). Indeed, the sultanate and the first King Sultan Hamengku Buwana 1 has settled the forthcoming future of the city. As the old city, many heritage can be found in the city and its surrounding. Not only historical heritage from the 17th century, but also from hundreds century before. During 16 th century the city become the center of Islamic Mataram Kingdom while hundreds centuries before in 8 th century, Yogyakarta become the center of culture that intensively influenced by Hindu and Budha. This is shown in many temples inside the siva plateau (the area within prambanan temple, Ratu book temple, Kalasan temple and surroundings.

During the independence fighting war, Yogyakarta take the important role in the Indonesian struggle against the colonial. Many national figure borned in the city, and took they part in the national journey such as Ki Hajar Dewantara, KH Ahmad Dahlan, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana IX, and much more Indonesia’s heroes. Many heroic events happened in the city, which one is Total offensive on march 1st, 1949. Yogyakarta is also known as an educational city where young people from all over Indonesia come to continue their study here.

Yogyakarta is also a city that tighly holds the Javanese traditional values and culture which indeed has become the main assets in developing the city especially in tourism industry. Presently, Yogyakarta is getting ready to maintain itself as the main destination in Indonesia.

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